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Business – Service Agreements
Agreement for contracted administrative services
An agreement that provides for scheduled Administrative / office services to be provided by a Contractor to a business. The agreement protects the confidential information of the business, and sets out general obligations on the part of the Contractor, including disclosure around potential conflict situations. There is a schedule which can be customised to provide the services to be performed, the term of agreement and charges.Price: $55.00
Agreement for contracted services - consultant
An agreement that provides for scheduled services to be provided by a consultant to a business with provision for specified outcomes, reporting and an anticipated ability to sub-contract with approval. This agreement protects the confidential information of the business, and sets out general obligations on the part of the Contractor. There is a schedule which can be customised to provide the services to be performed, equipment necessary, reporting required, service outcomes, the term of agreement and charges.Price: $79.00
Agreement for contracted services
An agreement that provides for scheduled services to be provided by a Contractor to a business. The agreement protects the confidential information of the business, and sets out general obligations on the part of the Contractor. There is a schedule which can be customised to provide the services to be performed,
equipment necessary, the term of agreement and charges.Price: $55.00